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Tilicho Lake (Nepal)

 Country located at 28.3949° N, 84.1240° E which has the area of 147,516 km² which is landlocked country.Nepal contains some of the most rugged and difficult mountain terrain in the world.Roughly 75 percent of the country is covered by mountains. From the south to the north, Nepal can be divided into four main physical belts, each of which extends east to west across the country. In this small country there are many places which is just like haven. one of the most beautiful place in nepal is Tilicho Lack.

Tilicho Lake is a lake located in the Manang district of Nepal.Tilicho Lake at an altitude of (4,949m) is a well-known place for pilgrimages.Hindus believe that Tilicho Lake is the ancient Kak Bhusundi Lake mentioned in the epic Ramayana. The sage Kak Bhusundi is believed to have first told the happenings of Ramayana to Garuda (king of birds), near this lake. The sage took the form of a crow while telling the story to Garuda. Crow translates to Kak in Sanskrit, hence the name Kak Bhusundi for the sage .Tilicho Lake trek usually takes about 8-12 days and it takes around 7-8 days to get through Thorong pass, Muktinath and get back to Jomsom.Trek duration varies depending on how fit one is and how well the body can handle the altitude and fatigue. Trek from Manang to Tilicho Lake is about 3-4 days. Manang is the where the trek begins. The trek continues from Manang to Khangsar Valley lying at 3,734 metres. The duration is 5 hours from Manang to Khangsar. After that, Khangsar valley to Tilicho  base camp(4,150m)  takes about 6 hours. To reach Tilicho Lake and get back to the base camp,trekkers take about 8-10 hours maximum. There is no water source along the way and it’s a narrow path straight up to the lake. There is a tea house at the lake. The people working at the base camp open up the tea house for the visitors as their day to day business.Tilicho Lake falls under the Annapurna circuit so each individual has to get the permit to go through the trek. TIMS card can be obtained from the office of Nepal Tourism Board before the trek starts. ACAP permits are also required to get through the Tilicho Lake.The best time for Tilicho Lake trek is from March to early June and from September to early December.


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